UK and international award-winning artist
More than just -
Painting and Drawing Subjects
The following collection of drawings and paintings are combinations of considered studio work using a variety of media and en plein air studies - direct contact with the landscape with engaged key responses being fundamental to their successful outcome. "Texture and form are the leading inspiration to my work. I’m not interested in creating a mere copy of the landscape itself and depict it exactly as it looks. It is more how I ‘feel’ about the sublime landscape and my response to it which are far more important than a superficial polarised response”.
As a regular contributor to 'The Artist’, many of these paintings and drawings have been published within this popular magazine. The loose and energetic style with such work has achieved widespread acclaim.
"I am delighted to present them to you here in this gallery section for you to browse and purchase - many of which have been created from first hand experiences from natural wild places and dramatic landscapes I’m continually inspired by”.